Cybersecurity is a topic on everyone’s minds these days. As we become more and more connected and reliant on technology to “Zoom” with friends and family, share pictures in the cloud or to run our business, the concern with keeping our data and devices safe grows.

The fear gets more acute when we hear about cyber attacks on large organizations and governments that presumably have the best and brightest people to keep their systems safe.

The reality is that everyone is vulnerable as attackers become more sophisticated and the profits from these crimes grow higher and higher.

The good news is there are steps you can take, whether as an individual protecting your personal data or a business owner protecting your livelihood, and a key one is to consult with the experts.

We were fortunate to have Armour Cybersecurity co-founder David Chernitzky (and a client of Baskin Wealth Management) speak to this very issue on a webinar for clients of Baskin on June 24th. Armour Cybersecurity is a leading cyber consultancy firm boasting handpicked elite Israeli military and intelligence cybersecurity veterans. David provided us with insight into what the latest cyber threats are, the anatomy of how they are perpetrated on individuals and businesses, why common solutions don’t always work and, most importantly, what are some practical steps we can all take to protect ourselves.

If you were not able to attend the call, we strongly encourage to take an hour to listen to the recording available at the link below. We have also attached a copy of their Cybersecurity Checklist with some steps that you can take, whether for your personal or business data, to improve your cybersecurity level.

Cybersecurity Checklist Armour Cybersecurity