Far from it actually

MARCH 2009: Nouriel Roubini predicts new lows in the next 18 months

MARCH 2009: John Mauldin say bulls will get their hopes crushed over the summer

APRIL 2009: Dylan Ratigan says this is a suckers’ rally, no question

MAY 2009: Andy Kessler says “this sure smells to me like a sucker’s rally”

JUNE 2009: Michael Markoski says “the markets are in the later stages of a powerful bear market rally that is close to its peak”

JULY 2009: Dave Rovelli says “If you were to jump in right now, you’re crazy”

AUGUST 2009: Bob Janjuah says “The next ugly leg of the bear market begins as we get into the July through September ‘tipping zone'”

AUGUST 2009: Doug Kass says markets are overshooting to the upside

OCTOBER 2009: Robert Prechter says “stocks peaked in September”

OCTOBER 2009: Joseph Stiglitz says the markets have been irrationally exuberant

OCTOBER 2009: Gary Shilling predicts a new low on the S&P

OCTOBER 2009: Jeremy Grantham says “This is the last hurrah”

OCTOBER 2009: Bill Gross says the rally is at its pinnacle

DECEMBER 2009: Albert Edwards says “It is time to sell”

DECEMBER 2009: Mohamed El Erian says stocks will tank within one month

JANUARY 2010: Richard Russell says “The fun’s over”

MAY 2010: Keith McCullough says “Sell all U.S. stocks now”

JUNE 2010: George Soros says the market is overextended

JULY 2010: Bill Fleckenstein says Bulls are getting too optimistic

JULY 2010: Robert Prechter says traders should short the S&P 500

OCTOBER 2010: John Hussman says the market is “overvalued, overbought, overbullish”

NOVEMBER 2010: David Rosenberg says the market is overbought and all signals are negative