An Ernest Opinion

An Ernest Opinion2024-01-25T08:28:26-05:00

An Ernest Opinion is a blog written by Ernest Wong, Head, Research at Baskin Wealth Management. In it, he will provide thoughts on North American markets and companies with a focus on the business strategy and management quality. Baskin Wealth Management may or may not own these stocks and he will avoid the valuation aspect of the business and will not be providing any investment recommendations. We hope you will find it interesting.

Why we still love our FAANGs (+ Microsoft)

By |Sep 29th, 2020|

Despite falling in recent weeks (a confirmatory “told ya we were in a bubble!” moment for many investors), the sharp rise in the share prices of major technology companies over the past six months has understandably caused many people to claim we are in a repeat of the 1999 tech bubble.

The e-commerce grocery wars

By |Aug 31st, 2020|

Ernest paints a picture of the Canadian grocery sector and how each of the main competitors are approaching e-commerce and which one, he thinks, will be the winner.

Will COVID upend the buoyant Toronto housing market?

By |Jul 29th, 2020|

Most everyone thinks that housing prices in Toronto are a bubble, waiting to burst. That makes the housing market’s resilience during COVID even more surprising: the MLS Home Price Index was up 7.7% in June with sales volumes back at prior year levels.

Why read another investing blog?

By |Dec 18th, 2019|

In this inaugural post of a new blog series - "An Ernest Opinion" - Ernest Wong, Director of Research, explains why having another investing blog is a good thing and what he will focus on.

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