Planning For Your Future
Wealth management is more than advice relating to investment options. It is a holistic approach to managing your financial health and starts by us taking the time to fully understand the goals you have for you and your family. Whether they are:
- Retirement
- Helping your family
- Preserving your wealth or
- Giving back
We will work with you to answer your questions and prepare a plan to help you achieve your goals.
Financial Planning Blogs
The Spread and Your Head
An eternal question in the world of personal finance is “should I use available cash to invest, or should I use it to pay down debt”? Particularly in the time of COVID, when those lucky enough to continue working are often spending less and accumulating cash, it’s an important question. It’s also one that can be answered in a straightforward manner with a framework of questions to answer.
How valuable is the dividend tax credit really?
Tax minimization is one of the most important pillars of wealth management. The more you pay in taxes, the less money you have to spend and save. As a result much ink is spilled and many dollars spent in the effort to pay less tax. But when trying to optimize one part of the equation, it can be easy to miss the forest for the trees.
This is where your plan shines
Major market corrections are scary. If you are close to retirement – or already retired – seismic shifts in the market can feel like the world is ending and your ability to meet your financial objectives is evaporating. If you have a financial plan, now is the time to review it, consider the impacts it has had on your portfolio, and assess in a non-emotional way whether your goals have been affected.
RRIFing on an idea: Relief for RRIF withdrawals
Ben outlines the benefits of a new measure introduced by the Federal government in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to ease the economic burden on retirees by reducing minimum annual RRIF withdrawals.
What is the best way to maximize the effectiveness of your RESP?
Benjamin explains how to maximize the long-term benefit from your RESP through the timing of your contributions.
Income Splitting: How Much Does It Matter?
Pension splitting is one of the most powerful tools available to Canadian couples to reduce their tax burden in retirement and leave them with more money with which to accomplish their retirement goals.
How Much is Enough? Part 4: Show Me the Money
In the last of his 4 part series on planning for retirement, Benjamin Klein examines what kind of returns a person can expect on their investments, and concludes with an example based on the process discussed.
Canada Pension Plan – When should I start to take my payments?
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is an important source of income for many Canadians aged 60 and older. Canadians with employment income, even if self-employed, generally pay into the program until the earlier of their retirement or age 65, [...]
How Much is Enough? Part 3: Don’t Fear the Reaper
In part three of his four part series on financial planning, Ben discusses the factors to consider in estimating life expectancy, an important input into your financial plan.
How Much is Enough? Part 2: Taxes and You
In the first installment of this series we discussed how to budget projected expenses during retirement. This installment will analyse the taxes a Canadian can be expected to pay throughout her or his retirement, and common strategies for tax minimization.
How Much is Enough? Part 1: Retirement Spending
This is the first article in a four-part series to be posted over the next few weeks. One of the most frequent topics we discuss with our clients is “how much is enough?”. That is, for people approaching retirement, [...]
Maxing Out Your RSP is More Important than Ever
Give the Trudeau government credit for honesty. It has been consistent and open about its plans to tax the rich. Nobody should have been surprised by the recent tax policy initiatives aimed particularly at professionals.